კავშირის ორი რეჟიმი
Wired connection, Bluetooth wireless mode.
Detachable cable with Type C connector
Wired connection possible, as well as charging the built-in battery via a detachable USB cable - TYPE C.
სამუშაო მაგიდის სივრცის ეკონომიის კომპაქტური კონსტრუქცია
მოწყობილობა დაბლოკავს WIN გასაღებს სათამაშო თამაშებში
Anti-ghost ფუნქცია
All keys.
17 განათების რეჟიმი
To change the backlight mode, use the key combination "FN+\|/".
რეგულირებადი ქვეგანათება
Change the backlight speed with the key combination FN + ’” and FN + ;:.
შენათების რეგულირებადი სიკაშკაშე
Use the key combination "FN + ]}" to increase the brightness and the combination "FN + [{" to reduce the brightness of the backlight.
უკანა შუქის გამორთვის შესაძლებლობა
Double injection ტექნოლოგია
Symbols will not be weared down as the keys are molded of two plastic colours: black for the key body and white / transparent for the symbols.
ჩაშენებული გადასამუხტი ბატარეა
1450 mAh.
Nature friendly product. No need to use alkaline batteries any more!
კაბელის დაწნული სტრუქტურა
Bluetooth connection for up to 5 devices
Press and hold FN + Q for 3 seconds (for 1st device); FN + W (for 2nd device); FN + E (for 3rd device); FN + R (for 4th device); FN + T (for 5th device), then find "Fobos GK-011" in the list of available devices to connect. Once connected, use a quick press of the same keyboard shortcuts to switch between devices.
Low battery indicator is located on FN key - when the charge level is low, the indicator blinks red
Switching the language of the external keyboard using Android: Once the keyboard is connected, go to the settings of your Android device and find the "Language and input" section, then select "Physical keyboard," and within it, select "Keyboard layout selection." Note that if the keyboard is disconnected, it will not appear in the settings
To reset to default settings, including swapping the functionality of the Alt and Win buttons, use the key combination FN+ESC or hold the combination FN+Space for three seconds